's not for you Jen

Did you know states have slogans? You probably did as a well informed citizen, but I didn't.  Or I forgot, or really didn't care.  But every state has one.  Like New Hampshire's:
Image result for new hampshire state slogan

Yikes New Hampshire!  "Live free or die?" Sounds like there's a revolution going on over there.  But the image on the sign and the slogan don't quite match.  If your going to have a sign that says "Live free or Die" it should look like this:

Image result for live free or die

Sounds like a wild west slogan, honestly.  I would expect this kind of a slogan from Texas, but New Hampshire?  Does New Hampshire care about freedom that much?  Do they even allow guns over there? I don't know any New Hampshironians, but are they feisty?  Do they live up to their slogan? Tell me people of New Hampshire, is it a rough place to live?

Don't worry, I read up on it and I know it actually comes from Revolutionary John Stark who said, "Live free or die.  Death is not the worst of evils." John Stark was a New Hampshire native who served as an officer in the British Army during the French and Indian war and a major general in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He became widely known as the "Hero of Bennington" for his exemplary service at the Battle of Bennington in 1777. Thanks Wikipedia.

But I don't live in New Hampshire.   I recently moved to Nebraska, who just changed its slogan from 

Image result for Nebraska state sign

Image result for nebraska honestly it's not for everyone

Sad face.  Not for everyone? I just bought a house here. Is that the state's way of saying "Tourists, you hurt our feelings by not coming to our state. We didn't want you anyway!" Or was it a snarky way of getting media attention? 

It reminds me of that part in the IT Crowd...

Nebraska is 50th out of 50 on the list of states that people think of visiting for fun.  Before I moved here I only knew Nebraska as that reeeeeally long state that we had to endure on the I-80 when we went for road trips between Ohio and Utah. It takes 8 hours and 11 minutes to cross this seemingly never-ending state.  

Not knowing anything about this state, it's going to be my self appointed job to explore this "Not for Everyone" state.  Mostly in Lincoln, since that is where I live.

I'll keep you posted to see if Nebraska was right in their brutal evaluation of themselves, or if there are actual cool things about Nebraska that no one tells you about.   


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