Exploring Lincoln, Better Ways Thrift Store

As I've been exploring my new city of Lincoln, Nebraska, I've found a great thrift store that I like to frequent.  It's called Better Ways Thrift Store. 

Image result for Betterways thrift store

It is run by the nicest people ever.  It seems to be affiliated with some sort of Christian church, but is not overly churchy.  They run sales on top of the fact it's a thrift store.  Double savings! So today I just so happened to wander in during their 12 days of Christmas sale.  They stack one sale on top of another for 12 days, so you can get some sweet deals.  I'll show you what I got today in no particular order.

 This cute little red hat! Oh my gosh.  Maggie looks soooo ready for Christmas.  It's perfect for this holiday season. Only $.99, thanks to their sale.

 This beige and brown leather Coach purse!  It's beautiful!! Straps are in good shape and it's nice and roomy. White leather shows all the nicks and scratches, but this one doesn't have too many.  Only 10 bucks, baby-without a sale tacked on.

These things are called POGO.  I don't know why.  Back in Utah we called them Starving Student Cards, but they're essentially the same thing.  They are fundraisers for local schools.  You buy one and you get lots of discounted food and services on the card.  Lots of buy on get one frees (BOGOs) and other stuff. I like to keep these on hand because when I'm out running errands and the kids are in the car, those BOGOs come in real handy when we get a hankering for a burger.  The nice lady at the counter sold one to me on behalf of her grand daughter.  Local businesses can help out like that.  It was $20.  It will save me more than that, I can assure you.

Little felt books for Maggie!  She's already started eating paper, so these are perfect to withstand baby mouth exploration stage.  Bring on the saliva!
$.75 per book!

The gingerbread house kit didn't stay in its box long.  As soon as Anna found this treat, she pulled it out and started working on it.  No story is without drama, however, and as soon as she was ready to set it up, it fell to the ground and broke into pieces. It was a humpty dumpty moment.  We're trying to put it together again.  Or just eat it, one of the two. This was only $3.00.  Woot!

In case there are any doubting Thomas's out there, I've included the receipt so you can see for yourselves the awesome deals of the day.

So thank Lincoln, for having a nice thrift store with cute things. 


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